CSA Buying Club 2024

share with onion 955

What is a CSA Buying Club?

  • We sell through our CSA Buying Club.
  • Our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Buying Club is a private agreement between each member and the farmer, where both share in the risk and rewards of growing seasonal foods.  Members share the agricultural blessings or unpredictable changes of weather, eat locally grown healthy foods, and support their local farmer.
  • Pick up schedule:
    • veg: weekly (at a predetermined pick up site, day, & time)
    • eggs: weekly or as available (can include with weekly veg)
    • lamb meat, cuts: annually harvested & frozen, a la carte year round (can include with weekly veg)
    • poultry meat, whole: pre-sold a few times per year (pick up at the farm)
  • Members pay a 10% deposit in advance online.  This is 10% of your purchase, including products, shares, or preorders, and an annual membership fee.
  • Members pay the balance in cash (or local check w/$3 fee, ID & phone) and sign the agreement at their first pick up(This reduces our fees, and keeps our money local, like our food.)
  • Membership entitles your family to schedule 3 on-farm visits during the year.

What is Get 1 Give .1?

We donate 10% of our harvest.

For $70 veg+ purchase, you get a $63 share of veg+, & we donate a $7 share of veg+.

Get 1 Give .1 Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Q: Why are you doing Get 1 Give .1 this year?
    • A: With ability comes responsibility.see oldest reference Our ability to grow highly nutrient-dense immune-boosting food is needed more than ever, and it is needed most by people with the least ability to pay. So we're asking you to partner with us on covering veg+ share donation costs this year, while we donate the labor.
  • Q: Who routes the donated food to clients?
    • A: Heart of Hope Outreach delivers the foods primarily to disabled and elderly people in the Quad Cities. (We started donating foods in June.)
  • Q: Are my donations tax-deductible?
    • A: Since our farm is not a 501c3, your donations through us are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.

What's outstanding about the nutrition of Shire's foods?

  • Our foods are carefully selected for traits like high levels of phytonutrients, beta carotene, antioxidants, omega 3s, & vitamins, and grown to exceed the nutrition of other foods available locally, going beyond natural, beyond just "avoiding bad stuff", to delivering nutrient dense foods. Our lab results prove it (see home page).
  • Our farming practices go beyond humane to happy, beyond conservation, and beyond sustainable to regenerative. These practices reinforce each other to enhance the nutritional content of the food.
  • Our nutrition is typically higher than that of grocery stores. We now have the results from nutritional density lab testing, see details on the home page.  We grow unique herbs, such as truly fresh ginger, which has no skin - rarely seen in stores.
  • You will get foods with higher nutrition, although often smaller physical size than from industrial growth hormone- and chemical-based agriculture. A truckload of snack chips is big, but not big on nutrition.
  • We grow your food with only naturally occurring substances, created by our Creator.  We leave health-giving naturally occurring microbes and unadulterated enzymes intact.
  • Since we don't use toxic chemicals, or genetically modified ingredients in or on your foods, your produce may contain natural soil, blemishes, imperfections, or a bug or two. (Some people call these the 'organic certification inspectors'.) This is generally taken care of by gentle washing, and our timing is optimized to preserve natural freshness.

Can we visit?

  • Yes, we highly encourage you and your family to schedule a visit to the farm. We'd love to show you all of the symbiotic relationships we nurture to give you outstandingly healthy food.
  • A membership with online purchase / donation is a prerequisite for scheduling a visit.  If you're already a member, then you're covered.  First-time members have a minimum $50 order.

What's in a weekly veg+ share?

  • Veg+ shares can include (in addition to vegetables) herbs and fruits, depending on the season.  The full list of foods we're planting/growing is on the home page (scroll down).  (It's a long list - harvest is not guaranteed on all of these.)
  • Our veg+ shares are sold monthly (while picked up weekly) for your flexibility: you can pay as you go (if not sold out), jump in mid-year, skip a month while you're on a long vacation, buy extra for a month for a family reunion, or buy a whole year up front.
  • Most people buy 1 veg+ share for 2 moderate veg-eating adults.
  • We will help you with recipes for the foods as they are in season, and with advice on healthy cooking, eating, & lifestyle. We've done our homework, and have an opinion or two on these things. :) We like to share our knowledge to help you and your family be healthier.
  • If you have purchased a weekly veg share and eggs, then we'll also provide your eggs weekly.
  • Read on to see the shares available & schedule.

What does a food share cost?

  • Members pay a 10% deposit for the membership fee and each food in advance online. 
  • Members pay the balance in cash (or local check w/$3 fee, ID & phone) and sign the agreement at their first pick up, at the farmer’s bank.  (This reduces our fees, and keeps our money local, like our food.)
  • 2024 membership fee is $5.
  • 2024 veg+ subscriptions are up to $70+tax for each month, pre-paid by the due date if listed.
  • The price and number of shares in each month varies based on weather and therefore expected production and balance of eggs, vegetables, etc.
  • Our prices are higher than grocery stores because higher nutrition foods cost more to produce.  See more nutrition information on our Home and About pages.  We now have the results from nutritional density lab testing, see details on the home page.
  • Our approach is to focus on quality first, then efficiency & predictability. We don’t cut costs at the expense of the health of our soil, plants, animals, or foods.

What are the pick up rules?

  • Veg+:
    • weekly
    • (at a predetermined pick up site, day, & time, below)
  • Eggs:
    • weekly or
    • as available
    • (can include with weekly veg)
  • Lamb meat, cuts:
    • annually harvested & deeply frozen
    • a la carte year round, as available
    • (can include with weekly veg)
    • can also be picked up other times by appointment
  • Poultry meat, whole:
    • pre-order, a few times per year
    • at the farm, Coal Valley
  • You will choose a weekly pickup site, day, & time for veg shares:
    • Thursdays 2-3pm, downtown Rock Island
    • Fridays 4:30-6:30pm, at the farm, Coal Valley
  • First pick up and balance payment is at the farmer's bank, in Rock Island or Milan.
  • If you miss your weekly pickup, it may be donated to a local food bank. We're sorry but we cannot give you credit or a refund for foods that are not picked up, but rest assured that the food will not go to waste.
  • If you know 30 hours in advance that you won't be able to make your pick up, email us so we can include it in our Heart of Hope donation.
  • Tours on pick up days are subject to all of the terms and conditions listed on our Schedule a Visit page.
  • Outside of our pickup areas but want to help the real food/health movement? Consider donating to

How do we do prep, transport, containers, & storage temperatures?

  • To provide the freshest foods, we pick them at maximum ripeness to get the highest nutrition. This means a shorter shelf life at your house, but gives you healthier, living food - bon appétit!
  • Please bring a cooler.
  • If your share includes flowers, in your vehicle, allow one cup holder per share, for cut flowers in a cup of water.
  • Vegetables, fruits, eggs: transport cool then store in refrigerator.
  • Herbs: transport & store cool & dry.
  • Lamb, Duck, & Chicken: transport frozen in cooler then store in freezer.
  • Please keep in mind appropriate transport times of foods in hot cars.
  • Our packaging is all recyclable or compostable.

How do we communicate?

  • Email is our primary means of communicating with you as a member; you agree to read our emails, and we agree not to spam you.  :)  Mobile text messaging is secondary and may be accommodated as resources permit.
  • You agree to read all email communications in a timely manner, since much of the information is time sensitive.  Please check your junk email box and add shireregenerative.farm as a safe sender or contact.
  • We respect your privacy and will not disclose your personal information to third parties.  See our full privacy policy (also below).
  • You agree to respect our privacy and not share our family's personal information, including but not limited to names, address, email addresses, phone numbers, intellectual property, videos, and photos.
  • ___________________________________________
    (Your name printed here) (the "Member") joins and subscribes for one or more of the listed farm products ("Product") to be provided by Shire Regenerative Farm CSA Buying Club (the "Farmer"). Any subscription with this contract shall take effect when paid and signed, and continue until up to 2024-12-31. The membership fee is required.  A subscription fee is up to seventy ($70) dollars per purchased veg share month.  Fees are due and payable upon the execution of this Agreement, and are non-refundable.
    1. Weekly Supply. Farmer plans to provide, for each vegetable or weekly egg share paid for by Member, a weekly supply of Product as chosen below.
    2. Delivery/Pick-up. Farmer shall deliver the Product to Member at time chosen by Member at Shire Regenerative Farm or other designated location. Farmer may donate or dispense with any products not picked up by Member at the scheduled time as permitted by law.
    3. Shortages. If some crops wholly or partially fail such that Member does not receive the scheduled allotment of Product under this Agreement, Farmer shall not be liable for any shortages.
    4. Waiver of Liability. By signing this Agreement, Member hereby knowingly and voluntarily waives any and all right to make, file or pursue any claims, demands, suits, actions, causes of action, damages, etc. against Farmer or any of Farmer's agents, employees, representatives, principals, lessors, lessees, vendors, contractors, subcontractors, etc. that arise out of or in any way relates to any injury, illness, death, loss or damage caused, in whole or in part, by (1) the handling or consumption of any product provided by Farmer and/or (2) visiting or entering upon Farmer's premises.
    5. Indemnification. Member shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Farmer and Farmer's agents, employees, representatives, principals, lessors, lessees, vendors, contractors, subcontractors, etc. against any and all demands, claims, suits, actions, causes of action, etc. for any injury, illness, death, loss or damage that arises out of or relate in any way to:
        (1) any handling, consumption, or use of any product provided by Farmer after it has been retrieved or otherwise obtained by Member;
        (2) the visit of any person that Member brings to or causes to visit Farmer's premises; and/or
        (3) any failure on the part of Member to comply with the terms of this Agreement or with any rules, procedures, directions, orders, etc. of Farmer that are authorized or permitted by this Agreement.
    6. Arbitration. All disputes, claims, and questions regarding the rights and obligations of the parties under the terms of this Agreement are subject to arbitration. Either party may serve on the other a written demand for arbitration within one hundred eighty (180) days after the dispute first arises. Any demand for arbitration of a claim shall be in writing stating the nature of the claim and the relief sought. The arbitration shall be conducted by three arbitrators (one appointed by Farmer, one by Member, and a third by the other two arbitrators) in accordance with the rules of commercial arbitration of the American Arbitration Association. Each party shall pay its own costs in connection with the arbitration, and costs of the arbitrators shall be paid in equal amounts by the parties.
    7. Force Majeure. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, neither Farmer nor Member shall be responsible for any delay or failure of its performance under this Agreement if the delay or failure is caused by any matter beyond the control of either party, including, but not limited to, government regulations, public emergency or necessity; legal restrictions; labor disputes and actions related thereto; theft, riot, war, or insurrection; and windstorms, rainstorms, snowstorms, floods or other acts of God.
    9. Governing Law. This Agreement is being executed and delivered in the state of Illinois and shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of such state.
    10. Severability. If, for any reason, any provision or provisions of this Agreement are determined to be invalid and contrary to any existing or future law, such invalidity shall not impair the operation or affect those portions of this Agreement which are valid.  Member understands that Member can withdraw from this agreement and terminate membership in this Club at any time, with written notice to Farmer.  Farmer reserves the right to refuse or cancel this agreement for any reason, without notice, with a pro-rated refund.
    11. Captions. The captions of sections and subsections contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not control or affect the meaning or construction of any of the provisions of this Agreement.
    12. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire contract between the parties and may not be modified or amended except in writing signed by both parties.
    13. Waiver. No assent or waiver, expressed or implied, to any breach of any one or more of the covenants or agreements hereof shall be deemed or taken to be a waiver of any succeeding breach.
    14. Assignment. This Agreement and each of its provisions shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties, their successors and permitted assigns.
    15. Agency.  Member will abide by the constitution of the United States.  Member is not any way disguising their motives, acting on behalf of any agency, person, or other entity in order to entrap, hurt, gather information about, or testify against the members of this club and therefore affect this Club, Farmer, their members or their purposes.
    16.  Private Membership.  Member joins the private Shire Regenerative Farm CSA Buying Club, whose members seek to help each other achieve health with high quality products.
    17.  Privacy Policy.  
        (1) Member personal information and activities within the CSA Buying Club are private, not to be released to any other agency, person, or other entity without member’s expressed specific written permission, per the Farmer privacy policy.
        (2) Farmer personal information and activities within the CSA Buying Club are private, not to be released to any other agency, person, or other entity without farmer’s expressed specific written permission, per the Farmer privacy policy.
    18.  Naturally Occurring.  Member is responsible for considering the recommendations and natural products offered to Member by fellow members and to educate themselves as to the efficacy, risks, and desirability of same and the acceptance of the offered or recommended products and is Member's own carefully considered decision.

  • Member chooses a weekly veg pickup site, day, & time: (initial one)
    ________ Thursdays 2-3pm, downtown Rock Island
    ________ Fridays 4:30-6:30pm, at the farm, Coal Valley
    (First pick up and balance payment is at the farmer's bank, in Rock Island or Milan.)

  • Member chooses any orders of chickens &/ ducks either: (initial one)
    ________ on request: live, or
    ________ by default: dressed frozen for no extra charge.--Most people choose "dressed frozen" :)

  • In witness whereof, the parties have executed this entire Agreement on the dates shown below to be effective on the date or dates described above.
    Signed: _______________________________________________________ Date: __________________________
    By paying the Member agrees to all of the Agreement, terms, and conditions listed on the Farmer website.

Order now - Shares available & schedule

(All shares pre-paid by due date if listed.)
(First-time members minimum $50 order, including membership fee.)
(Most people buy 1 veg share for 2 moderate veg-eating adults.)
(Quantities for Lamb are lbs.)

2024 annual membership fee (1 required)    
$0.50 deposit online,
$4.50 balance due at 1st pick-up
$5 total each
  (3 left)

October 2024: 1 doz chicken Eggs    
$0.90 deposit online,
$8.10 balance due at 1st pick-up
$9 total each
  (4 left)

CSA 2023: savanna-pastured Lamb liver, 1 lb.    
$1.80 deposit online,
$16.20 balance due at 1st pick-up
$18 total each
  (2 left)

CSA 2023: savanna-pastured Lamb & mutton ground, 1 lb.    
$1.60 deposit online,
$14.40 balance due at 1st pick-up
$16 total each
  (2 left)

(First-time members minimum $50 order, including membership fee.)
(For Quad Cities product orders with deposits (excluding donations), your balance due will be your product deposit total times 9.)
Contact us with any questions.

Thank you for investing in your health!

Contact us with any questions.