Plant seedlings sale at RI QC Farmers Market, and Lamb

Our plant seedlings will be for sale during May & June, at the RI QC Farmers Market!

We'll have a very wide array of high-nutrition vegetables, flowers, & herbs (many medicinal), many high phytonutrient varieties, with some including a matched companion plant (which you will not find elsewhere) and lamb:

  • tomatoes, 14+ varieties
  • sweet peppers, 6 varieties
  • hot peppers
  • Swiss chard, 5 varieties
  • kale, 3 varieties
  • cucumbers, 8 varieties
  • melon, 10 varieties
  • squash, 10 varieties
  • eggplant, 4 varieties
  • herby celery, 3 varieties
  • herbs including: Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Mexican garlic, Oregano, Wild Bergamot, Holy Basil, Sweet Thai basil, Chervil, Cilantro, Dark Opal Basil, Comfrey, and many more
  • flowers including: Nasturtium, Bells of Ireland, sunflower, Honeywort kiwi blue, zinnia (Green Envy, Coral Beauty, Cherry Queen), Bachelor Button Blue Boy, Marigold Orange Flame French, and many more
  • Lamb: ground mutton & lamb, leg, liver, rib rack, rib chop, loin chop

Having a diversity of these is great for your meals, your health, and also for your no-dig garden because diversity increases pest resilience. 

We'll also be teaching mini-classes at the farmers market on How to start a low-maintenance, high-yield, high-health garden - just stop by and ask!

Full plant list


Berry: Ground cherry, New Hanover (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

heirloom, high yield, tangy, winner at American Institute of Wine and Food

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

nutrition / health:

High Vitamins A, C, & B3

Berry: Ground cherry, New Hanover

Berry: Huckleberry Chichiquelite (perennial)  $7

growing / preparing:

hardy, sweet purple berries are great with citrus, harvest in 3 months

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 36

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant

Berry: Huckleberry Chichiquelite

Bush Bean: Dragon's Tongue (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

bug netable, not woody with weekly picking, heavy producer, large bean, great for freezing, super high health!

spacing: 2 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

plant with: celery, cucumber, strawberry

nutrition / health:

High phytonutrient antioxidant, vitamin K, resistant starch, fiber, phenolic compounds, lutein

Bush Bean: Dragon's Tongue

Bush Bean: Jade (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

bug netable, disease resistant, heavy producer, great for freezing, high health!

spacing: 2 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

plant with: celery, cucumber, strawberry

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, vitamin K, resistant starch, fiber, phenolic compounds, lutein

Bush Bean: Jade

Bush Bean: Rocdor (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

bug netable, disease resistant, heavy producer, great for freezing, high health!

spacing: 2 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

plant with: celery, cucumber, strawberry

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, vitamin K, resistant starch, fiber, phenolic compounds, lutein

Bush Bean: Rocdor

Celery: Chinese Pink (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

from Chinese Ming dynasty, beautiful color, herby flavor

spacing: 10 inches - height (prevent shading): 12

plant with: cauliflower

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant

Celery: Chinese Pink

Celery: Chinese White (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

from Chinese Ming dynasty, beautiful color, herby flavor

spacing: 10 inches - height (prevent shading): 12

plant with: cauliflower

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant

Celery: Chinese White

Celery: Giant Red (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

British heirloom, amazing flavor improves in cold

spacing: 10 inches - height (prevent shading): 18

plant with: cauliflower

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant

Celery: Giant Red

Cruciferous: Brussels Sprouts, Franklin (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

eat and please your mom

spacing: 24 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

plant with: dill, celery, chamomile

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, glucosinolate, & isothiocyanate

Cruciferous: Brussels Sprouts, Franklin

Cucumber: Itachi (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

Japanese favorite, productive, not bitter, sweet & crispy, stir fry

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: nasturtium, oregano, dill, radish, bush bean, pea, sunflower, leek

nutrition / health:

High electrolyte

Cucumber: Itachi

Cucumber: Quirk (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

fast starter, heat tolerant, harvest early for tenderness, great for pickling

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: nasturtium, oregano, dill, radish, bush bean, pea, sunflower, leek

nutrition / health:

High electrolyte

Cucumber: Quirk

Cucumber: Salt And Pepper (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

Green Thumb award, resilient, great for whey pickling

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: nasturtium, oregano, dill, radish, bush bean, pea, sunflower, leek

nutrition / health:

High electrolyte

Cucumber: Salt And Pepper

Cucumber: Suyo Long (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

greenhouse friendly, high yield, Chinese heirloom, low seed

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: nasturtium, oregano, dill, radish, bush bean, pea, sunflower, leek

nutrition / health:

High electrolyte

Cucumber: Suyo Long

Cucumber: Unagi (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

high yield, hardy, thin skin, low-seed, never bitter, great flavor

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: nasturtium, oregano, dill, radish, bush bean, pea, sunflower, leek

nutrition / health:

High electrolyte

Cucumber: Unagi

Eggplant: Beatrice   $7

growing / preparing:

beautiful color, high producer

spacing: 24 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: assylium

nutrition / health:

High phytonutrient, antioxidant, flavonoid, & nasunin

Eggplant: Beatrice

Flower: Amaranth, Velvet Curtains (self-seed)  $7

growing / preparing:

traps cucumber beetle, plant but not in garden, edible greens

spacing: 15 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

plant with: cucumber

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Flower: Amaranth, Velvet Curtains

Flower: Anemone St. Brigid (perennial)  $7

growing / preparing:

deer resistant, easy to grow, high end cut flower

spacing: 4 inches - height (prevent shading): 8

nutrition / health:

(do not eat)

Flower: Anemone St. Brigid

Flower: Bells Of Ireland (self-seed)  $7

growing / preparing:

wonderful scent, green for bouquets, helps pollinators

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Flower: Bells Of Ireland

Flower: Cosmos, Rubenza (self-seed)  $7

growing / preparing:

attracts pollinators, great cut flower

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 48

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Flower: Cosmos, Rubenza

Flower: Daisy, Blue Disc African  $7

growing / preparing:

full sun, heat tolerant, hardy, great for cut flowers

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Flower: Daisy, Blue Disc African

Flower: Gaillardia, Arizona  $7

growing / preparing:

daisy-like blooms, hardy, great for cut flowers, high producer

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Flower: Gaillardia, Arizona

Flower: Honeywort, Purple Tear (biennial)  $7

growing / preparing:

Medieval garden flower, attracts pollinators & beneficial insects

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 12

plant with: may reseed itself

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Flower: Honeywort, Purple Tear

Flower: Lily of the Valley  $7

growing / preparing:

bridal boquets, deer resistant, good ground cover

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 12

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Flower: Lily of the Valley

Flower: Marigold, Orange Flame French (self-seed)  $7

growing / preparing:

best in no-till, controls knot root nematode, aromatic pest confuser, petals are edible

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 12

plant with: almost everything except cucumber, squash

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Flower: Marigold, Orange Flame French

Flower: Marigold, Safari Scarlet  $7

growing / preparing:

controls knot root nematode, aromatic pest confuser, petals are edible

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 12

plant with: almost everything except cucumber, squash

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Flower: Marigold, Safari Scarlet

Flower: Milkweed, Butterfly Weed (perennial)  $7

growing / preparing:

dry soil tolerant, feed your Monarch butterflies, repels stinkbugs!

spacing: 24 inches - height (prevent shading): 36

nutrition / health:

Improves ecosystem health

Flower: Milkweed, Butterfly Weed

Flower: Nasturtium, Purple Emperor  $7

growing / preparing:

handles drier soil, flowers & leaves edible, leaves are spicy, expensive garnish

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 8

plant with: melon, squash, pumpkin, kale, cucumber, tomato

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Flower: Nasturtium, Purple Emperor

Flower: Nasturtium, Tip Top Mahogany  $7

growing / preparing:

handles drier soil, flowers & leaves edible, leaves are spicy, expensive garnish

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 8

plant with: melon, squash, pumpkin, kale, cucumber, tomato

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Flower: Nasturtium, Tip Top Mahogany

Flower: Nasturtium, Tip Top Rose  $7

growing / preparing:

handles drier soil, flowers & leaves edible, leaves are spicy, expensive garnish

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 8

plant with: melon, squash, pumpkin, kale, cucumber, tomato

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Flower: Nasturtium, Tip Top Rose

Flower: Nasturtium, Double Gleam Mixed Colors  $7

growing / preparing:

handles drier soil, flowers & leaves edible, leaves are spicy, expensive garnish

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 8

plant with: melon, squash, pumpkin, kale, cucumber, tomato

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Flower: Nasturtium, Double Gleam Mixed Colors

Flower: Pansy, Swiss Giants Blend  $7

growing / preparing:

Swiss heirloom, large velvety flowers, edible petals for salads

spacing: 6 inches - height (prevent shading): 9

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Flower: Pansy, Swiss Giants Blend

Flower: Snapdragon, Royal Bride (biennial)  $7

growing / preparing:

edible flowers, easy to grow, cut flower, heavy fragrance

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 36

nutrition / health:

Flower: Snapdragon, Royal Bride

Flower: Sunflower, Torch Mexican  $7

growing / preparing:

plant away from vegetables, easy to grow, separate from garden, huge seed heads

spacing: 24 inches - height (prevent shading): 120

nutrition / health:

Antioxidants, phytosterols, copper, vitamin E, B6

Flower: Sunflower, Torch Mexican

Flower: Viola, Frizzle Sizzle Mini Tapestry  $7

growing / preparing:

edible flowers, low height, great border, deadhead for continuous blooms

spacing: 8 inches - height (prevent shading): 8

nutrition / health:

Flower: Viola, Frizzle Sizzle Mini Tapestry

Greens: Bok choy, Purple Lady (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

sweet, rich flavor, and super nutritious, great for stir fry or salads

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 7

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant

Greens: Bok choy, Purple Lady

Greens: Lettuce, Red Cross Butterhead (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

partial to full shade, pick & pick again multiple harvests, very juicy & sweet

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 12

plant with: onion, strawberry, cucumber, carrot, radish

nutrition / health:

High phytonutrient & antioxidant

Greens: Lettuce, Red Cross Butterhead

Greens: Mizuna, Japanese Pink (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

dense nutrition, rich flavor, for complex and flavorful salads & stir fry

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

plant with: radish

nutrition / health:

High vitamin C, folate, antioxidant

Greens: Mizuna, Japanese Pink

Herb: Basil, Dark Opal (annual) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

pest confuser, great in any dish, culinary gold

spacing: 8 inches - height (prevent shading): 18

plant with: tomato, pepper, brassicas

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, magnesium, & vitamin

Herb: Basil, Dark Opal

Herb: Basil, Lettuce Leaf (annual) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

biggest basil leaf, big enough for wraps, mild flavor

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 9

plant with: tomato, pepper, brassicas

nutrition / health:

High vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, & potassium

Herb: Basil, Lettuce Leaf

Herb: Bee Balm / Wild Bergamot (perennial) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

nectar for pollinators, repels pests, edible flowers

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

nutrition / health:

Tea historically used as “hedge against despair”

Herb: Bee Balm / Wild Bergamot

Herb: Calendula, Zeolights (self-seed) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

edible petals in salads, skin care

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

plant with: squash, pumpkin

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Herb: Calendula, Zeolights

Herb: Chamomile, German (perennial) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

hardy, prolific spread, relaxing tea, flavor for many dishes

spacing: 8 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Herb: Chamomile, German

Herb: Chervil, Fine Curled (annual) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

partial shade, mild sweet anise flavor, tender as cilantro, great for salads

spacing: 6 inches - height (prevent shading): 12

plant with: radish

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Herb: Chervil, Fine Curled

Herb: Cilantro (Coriander), Santo (annual) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

slow bolting variety, pollinator nectar, leaves, seeds, & flowers are edible

spacing: 1 inches - height (prevent shading): 12

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, natural chelator, calming

Herb: Cilantro (Coriander), Santo

Herb: Dill, Mammoth (self-seed) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

full sun, does not shade, standard pickling herb, also great in salads, soups, omelets

spacing: 6 inches - height (prevent shading): 36

plant with: tomato, pepper, brassicas

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, calcium, manganese & iron

Herb: Dill, Mammoth

Herb: Echinacea / Purple Coneflower (perennial) (pick & pick again)  $10

growing / preparing:

helps pollinators, use root, stem, flower, can dry, immune booster

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 36

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Herb: Echinacea / Purple Coneflower

Herb: Ginger (annual)  $13

growing / preparing:

plant near watering source, use root (fresh/frozen), stem & leaf (fresh/dried)

spacing: 6 inches - height (prevent shading): 36

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses, adaptogenic

Herb: Ginger

Herb: Holy Basil / Krishna Tulsi (annual) (pick & pick again)  $10

growing / preparing:

India’s “incomparable one", flavor for many dishes, tea

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 18

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses, adaptogenic

Herb: Holy Basil / Krishna Tulsi

Herb: Lemon Balm / Melissa (perennial) (pick & pick again)  $10

growing / preparing:

very expensive essential oil, one of the best pollinator attractors

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 12

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Herb: Lemon Balm / Melissa

Herb: Marjoram, Sweet Creeping (perennial) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

edible ground cover, rediscovered culinary herb, similar to oregano, but lemony scent

spacing: 8 inches - height (prevent shading): 8

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Herb: Marjoram, Sweet Creeping

Herb: Marshmallow Root (perennial) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

plant near watering source, beautiful leaves & flowers

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 60

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Herb: Marshmallow Root

Herb: Mint, Common (perennial) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

brew leaves & flowers for tea, aromatherapy, for salads, soups, desserts, & drinks

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 36

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Herb: Mint, Common

Herb: Oregano, Greek (perennial) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

hardy, tough, drought tolerant, most medicinal herb here

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 12

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Herb: Oregano, Greek

Herb: Parsley, Giant of Italy (annual) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

garnish, great for juicing, preferred culinary variety

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 12

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Herb: Parsley, Giant of Italy

Herb: Rosemary (annual) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

repels carrot fly, good to keep in pots now, for winter use, good for hair & mouthwash

spacing: 24 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

plant with: leek, onion, carrot

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Herb: Rosemary

Herb: Sage, Common (perennial) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

1 of the big 4 western herbs, attracts pollinators, aromatic pest confuser, summer flowering

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Herb: Sage, Common

Herb: Tarragon, Russian (perennial) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

aromatic pest confuser, naturally spreads, can be hung to dry, great for pesto

spacing: 24 inches - height (prevent shading): 30

plant with: details

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Herb: Tarragon, Russian

Herb: Thyme, Common (perennial) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

highly used culinary herb, aromatherapy

spacing: 9 inches - height (prevent shading): 18

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Herb: Thyme, Common

Herb: Yarrrow, North American (perennial) (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

attracts beneficial insects, repels pests, summer flowering

spacing: 6 inches - height (prevent shading): 12

nutrition / health:

Many medicinal uses

Herb: Yarrrow, North American

Hot Pepper: Serrano, Hidalgo (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

seeds hotter than Jalapeno, versatile, in many cultures

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 30

plant with: basil, dill, marigold

nutrition / health:

High vitamin C & capsaicin

Hot Pepper: Serrano, Hidalgo

Hot Pepper: Jalapeno, early (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

seeds hot, culinarily versatile, in many cultures

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 30

plant with: basil, dill, marigold

nutrition / health:

High vitamin C & capsaicin

Hot Pepper: Jalapeno, early

Kale: Black Magic (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

wonderful color & flavor, aka Dragon’s tongue, aka Lacinato

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 36

plant with: nasturtium, assylium

nutrition / health:

High phytonutrient, antioxidant, & mineral

Kale: Black Magic

Kale: Dazzling Blue (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

light flavor, tender, fun to cook with this color

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

plant with: nasturtium, assylium

nutrition / health:

High phytonutrient, antioxidant, & mineral

Kale: Dazzling Blue

Kale: Red Russian (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

tender, colorful, great mild flavor

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

plant with: nasturtium, assylium

nutrition / health:

High phytonutrient, antioxidant, & mineral

Kale: Red Russian

Pea: Cowpea, Knuckle Purple Hull (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

amazing raw & fresh, high yield, also great for freezing, canning & drying

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 30

plant with: flax

nutrition / health:

High fiber, iron, folate, potassium

Pea: Cowpea, Knuckle Purple Hull

Potato: Adirondack Red  $7

growing / preparing:

low glycemic index

spacing: 12 inches - height (prevent shading): 18

plant with: flax

nutrition / health:

High phytonutrient & antioxidant

Potato: Adirondack Red

Pumpkin: Sugar Pie  $7

growing / preparing:

Harvest when rinds become very hard, great for pumpkin pie & dessert breads

spacing: 32 inches - height (prevent shading): creeping

plant with: nasturtium, oregano, marigold, 3 sisters

nutrition / health:

High omega-3 & beta-carotene

Pumpkin: Sugar Pie

Squash: Acorn, Carnival  $7

growing / preparing:

3 month shelf life properly cured, great for roasting with maple syrup & grassfed butter, best for container, vine dies when ripe

spacing: 32 inches - height (prevent shading): creeping

plant with: nasturtium, oregano, marigold, calendula, 3 sisters

nutrition / health:

High omega-3 & beta-carotene

Squash: Acorn, Carnival

Squash: Butternut, Waltham  $7

growing / preparing:

6 month shelf life properly cured, big, stringless, best flavor after 2 months storage, great for roasting with maple syrup & grassfed butter, vine dies when ripe

spacing: 32 inches - height (prevent shading): creeping

plant with: nasturtium, oregano, marigold, calendula, 3 sisters

nutrition / health:

High omega-3 & beta-carotene

Squash: Butternut, Waltham

Squash: Delicata JS  $7

growing / preparing:

3 month shelf life properly cured, leaves dry when ripe, tender edible skin, great roasted with balsalmic vinegarette

spacing: 24 inches - height (prevent shading): creeping

plant with: nasturtium, oregano, marigold, calendula, 3 sisters

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, vitamin, & mineral

Squash: Delicata JS

Squash: Kuri, Red  $7

growing / preparing:

3 month shelf life properly cured, turns red & stem dries when ripe, great for pies, even better than pumpkin

spacing: 24 inches - height (prevent shading): creeping

plant with: nasturtium, oregano, marigold, calendula, 3 sisters

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, vitamin, & mineral

Squash: Kuri, Red

Sweet Pepper: Carmen (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

heirloom Italian roasting pepper, blister on grill

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 36

plant with: basil, dill, marigold

nutrition / health:

High phytonutrient & antioxidant, vitamins C, A, B, & fiber

Sweet Pepper: Carmen

Sweet Pepper: Escamillo (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 36

plant with: basil, dill, marigold

nutrition / health:

High phytonutrient & antioxidant, vitamins C, A, B, & fiber

Sweet Pepper: Escamillo

Sweet Pepper: Flavorburst (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

lots of fruit, so stake them – medium-large fruit, sweet flavor

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 36

plant with: basil, dill, marigold

nutrition / health:

High phytonutrient & antioxidant, vitamins C, A, B, & fiber

Sweet Pepper: Flavorburst

Sweet Pepper: Lipstick (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

lots of fruit, so stake them – great producer, super sweet thick meat, chip substitute

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 36

plant with: basil, dill, marigold

nutrition / health:

High phytonutrient & antioxidant, vitamins C, A, B, & fiber

Sweet Pepper: Lipstick

Sweet Pepper: Purple Beauty (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

lots of fruit, so stake them – amazing color, amazing nutrition, crisp & juicy

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 36

plant with: basil, dill, marigold

nutrition / health:

Very high phytonutrient

Sweet Pepper: Purple Beauty

Sweet Pepper: Red Knight Bell Pepper (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

disease resistant - large, thick, meaty

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): 36

plant with: basil, dill, marigold

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, phytonutrient, & lycopene

Sweet Pepper: Red Knight Bell Pepper

Sweet Potato: Lilac Beauty  $7

growing / preparing:

high yield, edible greens, not a nightshade, low glycemic index

spacing: 24 inches - height (prevent shading): 7

nutrition / health:

High phytonutrient, vitamins C, A, manganese

Sweet Potato: Lilac Beauty

Sweet Potato: Red  $7

growing / preparing:

high yield, edible greens, not a nightshade, low glycemic index

spacing: 24 inches - height (prevent shading): 7

nutrition / health:

High phytonutrient, vitamins C, A, manganese

Sweet Potato: Red

Swiss Chard: Oriole Orange (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

mild flavor, great for wraps, juicy

spacing: 6 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant & mineral

Swiss Chard: Oriole Orange

Swiss Chard: Peppermint (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

high yield, large thick juicy leaves

spacing: 6 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant & mineral

Swiss Chard: Peppermint

Swiss Chard: Rhubarb Supreme  $7

growing / preparing:

sow in warm season, deep flavanoid colors

spacing: 6 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant & mineral

Swiss Chard: Rhubarb Supreme

Swiss Chard: Ruby Red (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

sow in warm season, deep flavanoid colors

spacing: 6 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant & mineral

Swiss Chard: Ruby Red

Swiss Chard: Vulcan (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

great for wraps, deep flavanoid colors, retains color when cooked

spacing: 6 inches - height (prevent shading): 24

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant & mineral

Swiss Chard: Vulcan

Tomato: Better Boy (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

the classic BLT tomato, plump, juicy

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: basil, dill, marigold, carrot, nasturtium

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, phytonutrient, & lycopene

Tomato: Better Boy

Tomato: Black Beauty (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

among the best tasting, rich, smooth, savory, earthy tones, flavor improves @ room-temp

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: basil, dill, marigold, carrot, nasturtium

nutrition / health:

Very High antioxidant, phytonutrient, & lycopene

Tomato: Black Beauty

Tomato: Blush Cherry (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

artisan, snacking, fruity flavor

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: basil, dill, marigold, carrot, nasturtium

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, phytonutrient, & lycopene

Tomato: Blush Cherry

Tomato: Brad's Atomic Grape (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

colors change as it ripens, holds well, hardy, high-yield

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: basil, dill, marigold, carrot, nasturtium

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, phytonutrient, & lycopene

Tomato: Brad's Atomic Grape

Tomato: Chocolate Pear (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

hardy, heavy producer, rich flavored snack

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: basil, dill, marigold, carrot, nasturtium

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, phytonutrient, & lycopene

Tomato: Chocolate Pear

Tomato: Galahad (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

late blight resistant, great sliced or preserved

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: basil, dill, marigold, carrot, nasturtium

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, phytonutrient, & lycopene

Tomato: Galahad

Tomato: Indigo Cherry Drops (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

dark blue anthocyanin coloration and red flesh

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: basil, dill, marigold, carrot, nasturtium

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, phytonutrient, & lycopene

Tomato: Indigo Cherry Drops

Tomato: Lemon boy (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

high yield, medium size, mild flavor

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: basil, dill, marigold, carrot, nasturtium

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, phytonutrient, & lycopene

Tomato: Lemon boy

Tomato: Lucky Tiger (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

artisan, pretty colors, sweet with a bite

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: basil, dill, marigold, carrot, nasturtium

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, phytonutrient, & lycopene

Tomato: Lucky Tiger

Tomato: Pink Berkeley Tie Dye (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

sweet complex heirloom quality flavor

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: basil, dill, marigold, carrot, nasturtium

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, phytonutrient, & lycopene

Tomato: Pink Berkeley Tie Dye

Tomato: Purple boy (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

high yield, hardy, sweet flavor

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: basil, dill, marigold, carrot, nasturtium

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, phytonutrient, & lycopene

Tomato: Purple boy

Tomato: Red Pear (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

rare heirloom, high yield, low seed, great for pickling

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: basil, dill, marigold, carrot, nasturtium

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, phytonutrient, & lycopene

Tomato: Red Pear

Tomato: Speckled Roman (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

meaty flesh, low juice, eat raw

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: basil, dill, marigold, carrot, nasturtium

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, phytonutrient, & lycopene

Tomato: Speckled Roman

Tomato: Valencia (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

heirloom, midseason (September), meaty, few seeds

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: basil, dill, marigold, carrot, nasturtium

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, phytonutrient, & lycopene

Tomato: Valencia

Tomato: White Tomesol (pick & pick again)  $7

growing / preparing:

amazingly fragrant heirloom fruit – cream-colored flesh, sweet & rich

spacing: 18 inches - height (prevent shading): trellis

plant with: basil, dill, marigold, carrot, nasturtium

nutrition / health:

High antioxidant, phytonutrient, & lycopene

Tomato: White Tomesol